"पुनर्वित्तं पुनर्मित्रं पुनर्भार्या पुनर्मही।
एतत्सर्वं पुनर्लभ्यं न शरीरं पुनः पुनः।।”
The Path ahead
To create healthy India by awareness among the every individual by connecting one to one through education, counseling, demonstrating, interacting, discussing about prevention is better than cure, lifestyle diseases, diseases management, medicine, ayurveda, first aid, nutrition, food and diet, cosmetics, Pranayama and Yoga by connecting and Naturopathy etc
Our Goal
- Educate and connect 10000 Pharmacy students per year.
- School student counseling (10 Schools per year)
- Organize 50 webinars, District, state and national level workshops, seminars conference and exhibition to educate students
- Development of e content, YouTube videos, book and posters.
- Blog writing
- Preparation of short story drama for School student counseling.
- MOU with Institutes for better functioning of Health activities