Work-Life Balance The Essence of Human Being

Work-Life Balance: The Essence of Human Being

 Over the past ten years, I have witnessed many colleagues, relatives, close friends, students, and adults pass away from unexpected and severe health complications like brain damage, heart attacks, organ failure, cancer, hypertension, liver cirrhosis, kidney damage, etc. at the age when they should have been enjoying life to the fullest, growing, and being responsible for others. This may have been caused by an unbalanced work and personal life that was too much for them to handle, or simply stress.

Work and life are both extremely significant and necessary aspects. Work provides name, fame, money, position, a bungalow, a car, a bank balance, and a beautiful wife, but it is worthless if you sacrifice your health, which is the essence of actual life.

The Human Body is a Temple

Work is undoubtedly worship, but worship in the absence of health is pointless. Similarly, our organs are idols and the human body is a temple.  Among the most precious creatures that God has made are humans. Taking care of our lives is our duty. As a result, maintaining a work-life balance is essential for success. Once it becomes unbalanced, it will result in serious problems.

Hard Work and Excuses

I’ve seen a lot of people working 12 – 15 hours a day work for money. Being a responsible person, we work hard to survive for ourselves and our families, The competitive atmosphere, and poisonous and stressful work culture damage millions of people. One thing that needs to be understood is what we are doing for ourselves, but not taking care of our physical, mental, and social health is not a good decision.

 We justify our excuses by citing work pressure, time constraints, a difficult boss, competition, growth, and other factors. We realize the pressure of work, but you should set aside at least 2 hours each day to cushion your body by doing pranayama, yoga asana, jogging, walking trekking, cycling, or anything else that interests you to keep your health motivated. Unfortunately, we are still motivated by our bank balance, which is the tragedy of humanity.

Balance Is Everything

“Balance is not something you find; it’s something you create.” You will not find anywhere in the universe where balancing is not required then why are we not balancing our work and life., we have grown with age but our common sense is blind. Following are some of the best examples of universal balancing.

It is common sense that nature takes care of balancing, as it maintains the weather, winter, summer, and rain; if there is an imbalance in the weather, it disrupts the ecology and interferes with the everyday lives of humans.

As we know in human biology, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, proteins, amino acids, carbs, and fat are important components of human growth; excess or deficiency indicates disease or disorder; the magic of balance. A normal sugar level suggests that the person is healthy; a rising or falling sugar level is a metabolic syndrome. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance in all aspects of human life.

For our breakfast, lunch, and dinner we eat complete food for the balance of protein, carbs, minerals, and vitamins, which are the fundamental elements of life, therefore balance is the most important feature in life. If only eating fast foods leads to an imbalance of vital life-saving components impacts the functioning of body organs. Hence balance is important

The best examples of love and punishment balance are the parents and teachers. Recall your memories and see in many instances parents shower their love and blessing on us and at the same time, they will have the power to crush us if we are wrongdoing.

Health Without Life is Like a Flower Without Essence

Health without life is like a flower that lacks essence and the essence of a human being is health. We live our lives day and night, making every attempt to succeed in life, but failure is pointless. Nature’s concept of life is balance; nothing is too much good for human life. Recall visiting a party or marriage function and finding Gulab Jamun, which is your all-time favorite food. This does not mean that you will consume 100s of Gulab Jamun because it will cause digestion difficulties if balanced with roti, subji, rice, and dal. Anything, including an excess of love, is undesirable. Hence, maintain life balance.

Okay, if we have millions of rupees in our bank accounts as a result of sacrificing our health and suffering from kidney, liver, brain, lung, and metabolism problems, what is the point of earning money? We see several people in the surrounding area who earn a lot of money but lose it while in the hospital for treatment. Balance is the core of life; balance is life, so strive to maintain everything in balance.

Without question, work is a form of worship, and health is wealth, thus maintaining a balance between the two is a concern for everyone. As employment comes with pressure and stress, corporate houses often pay a lot and expect greater work from individuals. Generally, money is proportionate to work and stress. Today, stress is one of the most prevalent parameters in any job; it has become a part of the system. The job culture, work environment, colleague nature, team, family, and various other factors all contribute to stress sensitization. There are two types of work pressure: direct (real) and indirect (unnecessary).

For decades, all age groups have been under stress due to work pressure leads to serious health concerns such as brain hemorrhage, hypertension, migraine, skeletal issues, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, hormonal imbalance, spondylitis, and other diseases or disorders.

Fix Your Priorities:

Money is unquestionably vital; we can manage without it, but never without health. We should know what my financial requirements are and how far I need to go. As individuals, we are driven by money and status, but I have not seen people be sensitive to their health, which is the most unfortunate link to critical health conditions.

We are constantly selecting our priorities based on financial structure, but if we do not consider the work environment, type of work, high level of stress, working hours, unethical practices, unhygienic environment, criticism, personal space, human values and differences based on colour, creed, and cast means we are at high risk of physical, mental and social instability. It’s up to your priority what to choose.

Family Time

My numerous friends constantly complain that they have everything, including a bungalow, a large car, and a money balance, but no family. They did not have time to spend with their parents or family.
Even if they don’t recall when they went on picnics with their children, they do remember when they dropped them off at school and went to a parents’ meeting. This produces a significant gap between parents and children, which is quite detrimental to their future.

it doesn’t matter what digit you are making; it counts as the only degree of fulfilment, level of happiness, and level of comfort. My many friends who work in the profession have nice salaries but are unhappy with their lives. When I dealt with several of them, they didn’t have time to talk on the phone owing to their hectic schedule. I’ve noticed many of my friends complaining about life as a measure of work-life balance.

I understand that work is essential because we are responsible and our families rely on us, but that does not mean that we should spoil our lives. By changing a simple fundamental of life, you will find a life you enjoy even if your schedule is busy.

To maintain a work-life balance, approximately follow the steps outlined below:

Maintain Health at the workplace and Home

 Whenever possible, avoid the vehicle itself.

  • At your office, don’t use the lift. Taking steps will assist you preserve your cardiac health.
    Always bring your home tiffin to work, and anytime you go on an office tour (1-2 days), try to avoid hotel cuisine.
  • Step by step, eliminate processed and packaged food
  • Do Surya Namaskar regularly, which is the ideal exercise to keep the body flexible. It just takes 10 minutes and delivers optimum advantages.
  • When you have time, practice pranayama along with yoga asanas to keep your body flexible, lively, and active.
  • Always do the moments after every hour while sitting on your chair. If permissible, take a walk in the corridor. Do the light moments of your body joints.
  • Drink plenty of water while limiting your intake of soft and hard drinks, and avoid chewing and smoking tobacco.
  • Increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, and fiber. Whenever feasible, eat raw foods, drink green juices, and replace wheat with millet.
  • Wake up at the Brahma muhurat (God’s time) to complete the nine sleep indicators. sleep is the most crucial aspect of health.
  • Set aside a minimum of two hours for your health.
  • Continue to fast once a week. Avoid unnecessary usage of medications.
  • Choose natural products and limit the usage of cosmetics and cosmaceuticals

Be Professional at the workplace

  • Try to complete your work in an office and, wherever feasible, spend quality time with your family. Maintain good relationships, cooperative ties, and a favourable environment with your co-workers; this will help to lessen job pressure and stress.
  • If the environment in which you work is toxic and your boss does not adhere to true leadership principles, it is always best to leave.
  • Follow the well-known Kabirdasji ka Doha ” काल करे सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब। पल में परलय होएगी, बहुरि करेगा कब। . This means that if you say aaj ka kam aaj hi karo, you will be able to alleviate your stress and receive gratitude.
  • Try to take a little break to rejuvenate your body.
  • Identify your priorities and work accordingly.
  • Approach everyone you meet with positivity, a smile, and decency.
  • Whenever possible, spread a smile; happiness will make you happy.
  • Be friendly to your colleagues, share a light moment, and enjoy and appreciate every moment at work without any reason.
  • Connect with friends after work for 10-15 minutes.
  • Maintaining a cheerful attitude can lessen stress.
  • Avoid working under pressure since you are not a pressure cooker.

“Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life”. it doesn’t matter what digit you are making; it counts as the only level of satisfaction, happiness, and comfort. Work and life are both extremely significant and necessary aspects. Work provides name, fame, money, position, a bungalow, a car, a bank balance, and a beautiful wife, but it is worthless if you sacrifice your health, which is the essence of actual life.  Please keep Work-Life harmony

Dr Surendra G Gattani

Professor, School of Pharmacy

S.R.T.M.University, Nanded

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