Nine Pointer Sleep

“Are You Getting Enough Sleep?” Nine Pointer Concept

 In today’s society, lifestyle variables are associated with sleeplessness. We are currently losing the most effective medicine, which is a universal remedy for ailments. Sleep is the most economical health insurance plan available, with no costs. A lack of sleep has a significant impact on one’s health. Research has repeatedly demonstrated that people with poor sleep quality are more susceptible to a variety of significant illnesses and health problems. Inadequate sleep and untreated sleep problems are hazardous to health and well-being because sleep is a biological requirement (for details see

Concept of 9-Pointer Sleep

Sleep is highly important, but equally quality and duration are important. Check how many sleep pointers you are using as per the table shown below. The 9-pointer of sleep is a completely separate concept. Nine-pointer sleep, in which each hour was distinguished by a unique pointer. Every person should have a 9-pointer sleep; if not, be alert that you are getting insufficient sleep while sleeping 7-8 hours or more.

For example, on a day, we have 24 hours, which we divide into eight 3-hour blocks. Now, in these eight blocks, maintain half a pointer from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., and every hour of the day, keep one-third of a sleeping pointer, or max to max half of a pointer.

There is a specific time between 9:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. when we receive two pointers; 9 to 12 equals six pointers, and 12:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. We receive a single pointer every hour. So these are the optimum times to obtain 9 pointers in a day with only 6 hours of sleep. It means that if you sleep in between 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. you will have 9-pointer sleep.

Time Block

Sleep pointer

Total pointer

Ideal Sleep

9.00 -12.00 p.m.

2 /hr


9 Pointer sleep is ideal for every individual

12.00-3.00 a.m

1 /hr


3.00-6.00 a.m.

1/3 -1/2 /hr


The first, three hours of 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. keep half pointer, in the same way, every hour of the day keeps one-third of a sleeping pointer or max to max half of a pointer

Role of Biological Clock

Generally, due to lifestyle changes, we all are working at late night be up to late night or many times up to the sunrise. This severely hampers our circadian rhythm/ biological clock which regulates all body processes such as absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion, and body detoxification. The biological clock will get disturbed and lead to abnormalities in the physiological functions of the body leading to diseases and disorders right from skin allergies to cancer.

Recent past we might have seen many people having many abnormalities that are due to insufficient sleep or deep sleep /sleep loss (less than 7 hours per night) may have wide-ranging effects on the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, and nervous systems, skeletal, gastrointestinal, genetic, and excretory.

How Much Sleep Is Required?

Age groups

Sleep required (hrs)


7 or more


8 to 10

School-aged children

9 to 12


10 and 13 (including naps)


11 and 14 (including naps)


12 and 16  (including naps)


14 and 17

Parameter affects sleep loss

Various parameters such as work stress, food habits, screen time, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol, cigarette, tobacco, and excess use of soft drinks, tea, coffee, consumption, sound pollution, global warming, working shifts, jetlag, etc are responsible for sleep loss.

As I said earlier, sleep timing patterns and quality is important rather than duration. Therefore, we should know the concept of 9-sleep Pointer

Most importantly, sleep is required but the most important is the time we sleep. That’s why the sleep pointer concept needs to be understood to overcome misunderstandings about sleep hours and patterns. As per the present lifestyle scenario, finding people sleeping at 9-10 pm is challenging. People sleep after midnight –sunrise, meaning 80-90% of the population does not follow the 9-pointer concept.                                                                            

Surendra G Gattani,


School of Pharmacy, 

Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded


1 thought on “Nine Pointer Sleep”

  1. Mr. Dhas pravin

    The content of topics is too good
    And sleep cycle maintenance is necessary

    Regeneration and recharge requires good sleep
    -As you said- changes in life style and the social media has made many people mad about their sleep patterns and this leads to loss of health.

    I hope that you will write for us about “social media and health issues”

    Today’s generation and People need this..
    Waiting for the next article

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